Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation - News and Events

art lovers give to support SCAF Louise King cello image by ben vos

Art lovers can give to support Sunshine Coast Arts

Art lovers on the Sunshine Coast can now make a tax deductible gift to the Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation (SCAF) through the Australian Cultural Fund fundraising platform.  

The Foundation, which was launched in February 2020, promotes the development and prosperity of the arts on the Sunshine Coast.

Donors to the Foundation will be recognised at the following levels: Donor ($2 to $999), Fellow ($1000 to $24,999), Benefactor ($25,000 to $249,999) or Principal ($250,000 and greater).

SCAF will partner with arts organisations, artists or practitioners to help them secure philanthropic contributions to conduct projects and activities.

Projects will include productions and presentations of visual, performing, screen, literary and Indigenous arts, as well as architecture and spaces where the arts can be seen and experienced.

The Foundation will also undertake projects that invest in the future, such as the audience and market research project commissioned by SCAF in partnership with Sunshine Coast Council.

Professor Jennifer Radbourne, Chair of SCAF said the arts enrich the lives of local audiences and cultural tourists and play a role in shaping the evolving identity for the Sunshine Coast.

“With the support of SCAF, our donors and supporters, the Sunshine Coast will continue to develop as a sophisticated arts environment, where artists choose to live and work because of the creative spaces and easy access to international and national markets,” she said.

“Cultural visitors will come here for new artistic experiences and to learn and enjoy and be enthralled by new architecture for performances and exhibitions, and a lifestyle where art is core to our over-all well-being and identity.

‘We invite lovers of the arts to make a tax deductible donation at SCAF’s Australian Cultural Fund campaign page,” Professor Radbourne said.

Further information, news, project guidelines and eligibility details are available on the website, Facebook, or by contacting